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Preparation for Marriage

“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.”                          – 1 Corinthians 6: 18


A university recently removed a star basketball player from the team for violating the schools 'Code of Honor'.  First of all, for a school to have such a thing and then to actually make it worth something by following through on it says a great deal about their integrity and Honor.  The player, in coming to the university, agreed to live by the Honor Code and then admittedly broke his word and compromised his honor and integrity by engaging in premarital sex. While most of the mainstream media and other organizations are crying 'foul' regarding the university upholding their standard, the fact that they have done so and the fact that the student is remorseful and repentant, speaks well for the university and other students with regard to healthy relationships and sexuality and for their potential for healthy marriages.   It also speaks well of this young student-athlete and his future relationships as well.  The best preparation for marriage when it comes to sex is to abstain until you are married.  However, in today’s ‘free sex’ culture endorsed, promoted and glorified by Planned Parenthood, SEICUS and most of the mainstream media and public education, far too many of our youth are being told they can engage in sex without consequences.  Countless studies have shown that this type of risky activity not only carries troublesome consequences (unintended teen/unwed pregnancies, STDs, abortion, depression and suicidal thoughts) in the present but potentially carries dire consequences for their future health, relationships and their ability to bond and keep commitments that are crucial to a successful marriage, something that over 90% of college age youth still desire to experience in their lives.  The Biblical exhortation and encouragement to run from sex outside of marriage is very honorable, and in the long-term, very beneficial for a healthy and fulfilling marriage.  And, of course, Christ's forgiveness is crucial and foundational in restoring that freedom and receiving that blessing for a fulfilling marriage should you fall for the world's lies regarding relationships and sexuality.  Research, as always, backs up the Truth of Scripture and we would be well advised to heed it and teach it for the sake of our youths, marriages, families and communities!
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