“The IP315 ministry and the foundation of God’s Truth that it stands on is desperately needed, as we see people being devoured by today’s culture. Under Greg Williams’ leadership and gifted speaking ability, we have been challenged and reminded to live our lives in a way that glorifies God each time we have hosted an IP315 ministry event. The passion that Greg and the ministry have to make a difference in the lives of all Christ followers is something we all should strive for.”
-- Greg Horn, Executive Minister, Northeast Christian Church, Lexington, KY
IP315 Ministries is a thought-provoking, Biblically grounded presentation of the Gospel of Christ as the building of His Kingdom from salvation to sanctification and discipleship! Too often in today’s culture the soft-sell message of ‘salvation-only’ dominates the teaching and leaves many without a full understanding of becoming Christ’s disciple and helping others do the same – building His Kingdom in every realm of our lives. It often leaves them in bondage to the sin they are supposed to be set free from. This ministry is an encouragement and challenge to the Church to become Christ’s followers in every part of their lives – personal, marriage/home/family, business and workplace, government and community as a whole! You will be challenged, although it will be done with gentleness and respect (I Peter 3: 15).
-- Tim Philpot, Judge, Fayette Circuit Family Court, 1st Division (Lexington, Fayette Co., KY)
"I am excited about the impact that IP315 ministry will have both in the short run and over time. Greg Williams is an insightful messenger with a powerful message. The efforts and message of this ministry will change lives!"
-- Kent Ostrander, Executive Director, The Family Foundation of Kentucky
Jesus said, “Yo
u shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” As our culture struggles with identity, relational, and integrity issues that lead to bondage, it is a breath of fresh air to hear and know that there are ministries in our midst that are the ‘voice of Truth’. IP315 Ministries is a ministry that deliberately addresses the heart of the issues from a Biblical perspective. IP315 does not waiver from the truth as it speaks to the issues through the paradigm of Lordship, discipleship, relationships and sexuality.
Ministries and organizations are only as strong as their leadership. IP315 is blessed to be led by Greg Williams. It has been my fortune to hear Greg Williams as a public speaker and in private settings. He is a man of integrity. What he speaks in public is what he speaks in private. I do not know of someone who is as passionate and committed to the cause with which Christ has charged them.
-- Eric Geary, CEO, The Lexington Leadership Foundation
In the fall of 2007 Kentucky Christian Assembly, a Christian service camp established and supported by several Christian Churches in central Kentucky , sought to expand our ministry and out-reach to families in our area. We recognized the devastating effects of the break-down of the home on both young and old, as people are taken captive by the deceptions of the world, the flesh and the devil. In KCA’s camp ministry we often see kids neglected and forsaken by their parents, and grandparents struggling to meet the responsibilities of the physical and emotionally challenging needs of these children. As children cannot trust and rely on their parents, they fall into much greater risk of developing unhealthy relationships and callous attitudes that they may never be able to overcome.
Through our association with Greg Williams in connection with the Heritage of Kentucky abstinence education program, we learned of IP315 Ministries. The paradigm model for IP315 Ministries of Lordship, Discipleship, Relationship, & Sexuality provides an excellent approach to the One True Answer for the pathologies plaguing families today. The prevailing “ME” culture is crumbling the foundations of our homes as well as all other social orders God Himself designed. Greg unequivocally establishes through the IP315 paradigm the only way we can effectively address the woes that confound our society – and that is to recognize the Lordship of our Creator, God; to follow Him in the true definition of Discipleship; to acknowledge and willingly submit to the individual roles He ordained in our relationships; and to honor Him and ourselves by respecting the gift of our sexuality, fulfilled in the sanctified, blessed and life-long union of one man and one woman in marriage.
My position on the KCA board of directors causes me look with urgency for resources to address cultural issues through our camp ministry; but more-over, as a Christian woman, as a wife, a mother, and a youth mentor, I am deeply concerned with the decline in godly lifestyle we are witnessing among those who claim Christ as LORD. It is obvious that unless the TRUTH that is from God, the One and Only Source of TRUTH, is applied to the lives of men, women and young people soon, the devastating consequences to their lives and to our society as a whole will be utter despair, as even Christians exchange the TRUTH of God for a lie (Rms. 1:25).
Greg’s ability to speak to the cause of societal pathologies and to present the remedies to address them is a complete, comprehensive, and soundly Scripture-based therapy. He speaks with compassion and conviction. He captivates the hearer with the boldness and authority of the Word, and credits the Holy Spirit that guides and blesses his own life and family with the power to mend broken hearts and homes to bring healing. He does not promise an easy path or a quick-fix for disobedient mistakes. He does promise forgiveness and comfort through repentance and restoration that is found in Jesus Christ alone.
Greg is a devoted son, husband and father. He is dedicated to the ministry of his home church and is a trusted leader there. He is a friend to many ministries here in Kentucky and beyond, and his talent as a singer lends an even deeper dimension to his ministry. There are no reservations in my recommendation of IP315 Ministries, nor Greg’s conviction and heart for those he seeks to reach in a fallen, lost world.
Sincerely, In our LORD Jesus Christ,
-- Allison Reynolds, KCA Board of Directors – Broadhead, Kentucky
"We've been married 26 years and thought we really had this whole marriage thing down. After your seminar, we realize there is so much more that we can do for our marriage and Christ's Kingdom and we eagerly look forward to working on it together!"
-- Couple after attending Valentine Lover's Luncheon hosted by their church where IP315 Ministries marriage model was presented
I heartily recommend Greg Williams and IP315 Ministries. Greg’s gift of communication coupled with eye opening information regarding our culture are a presentation that should be heard across our nation. The relevant and gripping evidences presented challenge the heart, mind, and moral conscience of anyone who cares about their children and this country. IP315 Ministries is about truths that can make a difference.
-- Ernie Perry, Senior Minister, Broadway Christian Church, Lexington, KY

-- Greg Horn, Executive Minister, Northeast Christian Church, Lexington, KY

-- Tim Philpot, Judge, Fayette Circuit Family Court, 1st Division (Lexington, Fayette Co., KY)

-- Kent Ostrander, Executive Director, The Family Foundation of Kentucky
Jesus said, “Yo

Ministries and organizations are only as strong as their leadership. IP315 is blessed to be led by Greg Williams. It has been my fortune to hear Greg Williams as a public speaker and in private settings. He is a man of integrity. What he speaks in public is what he speaks in private. I do not know of someone who is as passionate and committed to the cause with which Christ has charged them.
-- Eric Geary, CEO, The Lexington Leadership Foundation

Through our association with Greg Williams in connection with the Heritage of Kentucky abstinence education program, we learned of IP315 Ministries. The paradigm model for IP315 Ministries of Lordship, Discipleship, Relationship, & Sexuality provides an excellent approach to the One True Answer for the pathologies plaguing families today. The prevailing “ME” culture is crumbling the foundations of our homes as well as all other social orders God Himself designed. Greg unequivocally establishes through the IP315 paradigm the only way we can effectively address the woes that confound our society – and that is to recognize the Lordship of our Creator, God; to follow Him in the true definition of Discipleship; to acknowledge and willingly submit to the individual roles He ordained in our relationships; and to honor Him and ourselves by respecting the gift of our sexuality, fulfilled in the sanctified, blessed and life-long union of one man and one woman in marriage.
My position on the KCA board of directors causes me look with urgency for resources to address cultural issues through our camp ministry; but more-over, as a Christian woman, as a wife, a mother, and a youth mentor, I am deeply concerned with the decline in godly lifestyle we are witnessing among those who claim Christ as LORD. It is obvious that unless the TRUTH that is from God, the One and Only Source of TRUTH, is applied to the lives of men, women and young people soon, the devastating consequences to their lives and to our society as a whole will be utter despair, as even Christians exchange the TRUTH of God for a lie (Rms. 1:25).
Greg’s ability to speak to the cause of societal pathologies and to present the remedies to address them is a complete, comprehensive, and soundly Scripture-based therapy. He speaks with compassion and conviction. He captivates the hearer with the boldness and authority of the Word, and credits the Holy Spirit that guides and blesses his own life and family with the power to mend broken hearts and homes to bring healing. He does not promise an easy path or a quick-fix for disobedient mistakes. He does promise forgiveness and comfort through repentance and restoration that is found in Jesus Christ alone.
Greg is a devoted son, husband and father. He is dedicated to the ministry of his home church and is a trusted leader there. He is a friend to many ministries here in Kentucky and beyond, and his talent as a singer lends an even deeper dimension to his ministry. There are no reservations in my recommendation of IP315 Ministries, nor Greg’s conviction and heart for those he seeks to reach in a fallen, lost world.
Sincerely, In our LORD Jesus Christ,
-- Allison Reynolds, KCA Board of Directors – Broadhead, Kentucky

-- Couple after attending Valentine Lover's Luncheon hosted by their church where IP315 Ministries marriage model was presented

-- Ernie Perry, Senior Minister, Broadway Christian Church, Lexington, KY