Dear Heritage of Kentucky and IP315 Ministries Supporter
It is with both a heavy and yet excited heart that I write to you here at the close of 2010.
As we knew and shared with you throughout this year, the current White House and Congress made good on their promise to shut down Abstinence until Marriage programs despite the tremendous success and to channel those funds to failed contraceptive/condom promotion programs. We are working with several people who have shown interest in potential private funding for our program but this is a big undertaking and the decision has not been, nor needs to be made, lightly. We continue to hope and pray that we will secure funding in the future but for now we have had to close down our Heritage office and operations. While Heritage of KY, Inc, will remain a viable 501(c)3 nonprofit organization for a while, we will not be serving any schools or other organizations with our programs unless and until funding does become available. This requires larger commitments so if anyone is interested or feels led to partner with us in this much needed program please contact me to schedule a meeting or to discuss further.
We can report that over the 8+ years of the program we served over 35,000 students and thousands of parents, faith and community leaders with tremendous proven success. Please join us in praying that we will someday soon be able to ‘restart’ this program and serve many more as our youth, community and culture sorely need this wonderful program and teaching.
Now for the exciting part…Regarding our IP315 Ministries opportunities, we have continued, outside the grant through the end of September when it was discontinued and now in more of a fulltime approach, to pursue opportunities to partner with Church/Faith based organizations, ministries and missions to bring the Truth message regarding Lordship, Discipleship, Relationships and Sexuality. We do this based on where the Lord leads us and the provision of and ability to secure funding through organizations, groups, churches, individuals and foundations.
The following ministry events have been conducted over the past year: Marriage/Family/Church Leadership Class at Lexington First Assembly of God. We were also invited and excited to share our ministry with the students of the International Fellowship Network at UK. We were again invited to present both the Heritage and IP315 models at the Association of Marriage and Family Ministries (AMFM) in Phoenix, AZ and have already been asked to do so again in 2011.
In conjunction with AMFM, IP315 Ministries was invited to be the keynote presenters at the International Marriage and Family Conference in Douala, Cameroon, West Africa in early November. In faith, we stepped out, believing and now having had it confirmed that this was truly the Lord’s leading, and financially supported this conference through our ministry and personally to the tune of $15,000. We were very excited to travel to Cameroon for this conference and present to over 1000 attendees including many pastors, church leaders and couples, as well as several singles from all over the country. There were immediate reports of the impact on pastors, couples and church bodies and we continue to receive encouraging feedback since our return.
Check out the reports of this trip and conference at by clicking on the “Blog” link at the top right of the page just below our banner/logo on the site.
Exciting developments - We took 100 sets of our first ministry DVD/CD Study Guide series to Cameroon. There are now other seven countries surrounding Cameroon whose church leaders have approached the organizers and requested this conference for churches, leaders and couples in their countries and we are prayerfully seeking the Lord, working with them and considering these ministry opportunities. This has prompted Ami and I to seek the Lord to consider fulltime ministry, obviously a huge step of faith but that is where the Lord asks us all to be and where He truly blesses because it all rests in His plans, provision, pruning and prospering and for His Kingdom! Ami and I, in conjunction with Character Matters Media and Integrity Productions launched a local TV show on ABC-36 and MYTVQ2 entitled “Marriage Unleashed with Greg and Ami.” We completed taping of the second season airing through the end of the year and we’ve had many wonderful and encouraging responses. We are praying and working to secure additional partners to continue with this program into the New Year, Lord willing. If you are interested in becoming a business partner with us in this please let us know.
Please prayerfully consider your role in partnering with us in ministry. While we were very grateful for the government grant we are now prayerfully addressing two issues: 1) Full time ministry with IP315 Ministries; 2) Continuing with the Marriage Unleashed TV show.
As we close out 2010 please pray for us to follow the Lord’s leading in all things. As you then feel led, please send your tax-deductible donations (and make checks payable) to: IP315 Ministries, Inc. (or if you like you can make it payable to Heritage of KY, Inc., again a 501(c)3 umbrella for our organization), 324 Timothy Dr., Nicholasville, KY 40356. You can also donate right here with our online secure link at
Our prayer and leading is to ‘spread a fleece’ before the Lord with this request for initial funding for the next year in order to transition to fulltime ministry and then grow from there according to the Lord’s leading, plans and provision. We need to raise or have commitments of at least $100,000 for the next year to make this happen. Unless designated to help ‘restart’ the Heritage program in particular, these funds would be used exclusively for discipleship and marriage/family ministry conferences, seminars, classes and counseling locally, nationally and internationally as the Lord has opened and/or expanded all of these opportunities within the past year.
We are asking you to consider a one-time year-end gift toward this “faith seed funding” or to a regular monthly commitment to help us determine the Lord’s leading in this. We are completely in His hands and are open to this direction or to other possibilities as He leads and directs.
As always, your continued prayers are crucial and much appreciated. I thank you for your financial support to help us determine the steps we are to take in all of this. All support is crucial as we seek to reach as many as the Lord leads us to. Please contact me if you have questions or desire to meet and discuss any of this in further detail.
Thanks again and may you have a very Merry and Blessed CHRISTmas and Joyous New Year with family and loved ones in the Lord.
In His service
Greg Williams
Greg Williams, President/CEO Heritage of KY, Inc. and IP315 Ministries, Inc.